Beschrijving |
There is a passage in this saga that may refer to bone skates: "Síðan skýtr hann beinspýtum under sik, hleypr síðan upp eptir vatni, slíkt er fara má" (Then he put bone skates under himself, and he ran up over the [frozen] water as quickly as he could). This translation has been tentatively accepted by the Dictionary of Old Norse Prose at the University of Copenhagen. See Thurber, Skates Made of Bone, pp. 87–88, for a discussion of this passage. |
Opmerkingen |
Fljótsdæla saga was written in the fifteenth or sixteenth century by an unknown author. The standard edition is in Jón Johánnesson, ed., Austfirðinga sǫgur, Íslenzk fornrit 11 (Reykjavík: Hið íslenzka fornritafélag, 1950). This passage is on p. 250. English translations include Eleanor Howarth and Jean Young, The Fljotsdale Saga and the Droplaugarsons (London: J. M. Dent and Sons, 1990) and John Porter, “The Saga of the People of Fljotsdal,” in The Complete Sagas of Icelanders, edited by Viðar Hreinsson, 4:379–433 (Reykjavík: Leifur Eiríksson Publishing, 1997). |