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Volledige titel: 'A Treatise on Skating; founded on certain Principles deduced from many Years' experience; by which that noble Exercise is now reduced to an Art, and may be taught and learned by a regular Method, with both Ease and Safety. The Whole illustrated with Copper-plates, representing the Attitudes and Graces.'
Afbeeldingen: collectie British Museum no. 1931,1114.628.
Herdrukken: circa 1775, circa 1780, 1797, 1818, 1823 (The Art of Skating), circa 1825 (The Art of Skating), 1855 (The Art of Skating practically explained by W.E. Cormack) en 1865 (herdruk).
In 2017 verscheen een moderne herdruk onder redactie van B.A. (Bev) Thurber. |